"Safety Related Control Systems" is a "trading as" name of Projects etc Pty., Ltd., for the NATA Accredited Inspection Body services offered under ISO 17020.
These accredited inspection body services are offered in the following fields:-
Functional Safety; (What is "Functional Safety"?)
Electrical Safety; (What is "Electrical Safety"?)
Machinery Safety (What is "Machinery Safety"?) and
EMC (What is "EMC"?)
The full "scope" of our NATA Accreditation can be viewed on the NATA Website (www.nata.com.au) under Accreditation number 17171
The area of Functional Safety covers the design, development,verification, validation and on-going "maintenance" of Hardware and/or Software (and Communications Systems if applicable) for all phases of the product lifecycle where SAFETY relies upon "safety functions" that are carried out by electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related system (E/E/PES).
As products and systems become more and more complex the use of hardware and software to perform the necessary "safety functions" is becoming more widespread and as a result of this various "Industry Sector" Functional Safety standards have been derived from the IEC 61508 series of Functional Safety standards. The IEC 61508 series of standards are regarded as the generic base for these other derived Industry Sector Functional Safety standards.
The diagram below shows some of the 61508 derivative standards:-

"Safety Related Control Systems" is accredited for Functional Safety under the 61508 (generic series of standards (Hardware and Software) and Industry Sector Derivative stds for Machinery (IEC 62061, ISO 13849), Process Industry (61511), Furnace Control Systems (EN50156), Medical (IEC 60601 plus ISO 14971 & IEC 62304), Railways (EN50126.128/129), Earth Moving Equipment (ISO 15998), Lift Controls (ISO 22201), Electrical Drives (IEC 61800-5-2) and Automotive Functional Safety (ISO 26262) and related standards including Comms Systems and Fieldbuss Functional Safety stds (e.g. IEC 61784-3).
Through our "trading as" name of "Safety Related Control Systems" Projects etc Pty., Ltd., is a NATA Accredited "Type A" (Independent) Inspection Body for Functional Safety under ISO 17020. See our scope of accreditation on the NATA Web Site (www.nata.com.au) under accreditation number 17171
The area of Electrical Safety and Machinery Safety covers the SAFE design and implementation, based on a Risk Assessment approach, of Equipment and Industrial Plant to a level of acceptable residual risk when used in the the manner intended by the designer/manufacturer and in a manner of foreseeable misuse.
Safeguarding by appropriate design and implementation against hazards such as electric shock and hazards such as those caused by fire, mechanical movements, toxic emissions/leakages, potentially hazardous radiation (e.g. lasers), temperatures, pressures, unsafe movements due to -for example faults in the safety control circuitry or external radio frequency interference etc - is the aim and this is achieved by utilization of various European, Australian, American and International safety standards to achieve this goal. Projects etc Pty., Ltd., provide a full range of services for Electrical and Machinery Safety under AS/NZS 3820 (Essential safety requirements for LV Electrical Equipment) / AS/IEC 60204-1 (Electrical Equipment of Machines ) / NFPA 79 (Electrical Std for Industrial Machinery) / IEC 61131-2 (PLC's) / IEC 61800-5-1 (Adjustable Speed Drives) / AS 4024 series (Safety of Machinery) / ISO 10218-1 (Robots for Industrial Environments) / AS 1755 (Conveyors - Safety Requirements) plus the full range of EN Harmonised stds for the EU Machinery Directive and LVD - additionally the SEMI Guidelines e.g. S2 (Safety), S22 (Design), S8 (Ergonomics), S10 (Risk Assessment) etc are also covered.
Through our "trading as" name of "Safety Related Control Systems" Projects etc Pty., Ltd., is a NATA Accredited "Type A" (Independent) Inspection Body for Electrical Safety/Machinery Safety and Designated EU Notified Body for the EU Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC) and EU Machine Directive (2006/42/EC)under the EU/Aust MRA (Official Notified Body Number is 2241 - click here to see EU Commission Web Site). See our scope of accreditation on the NATA Web Site (www.nata.com.au) under accreditation number 17171
The area of EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) covers determination of whether the radio frequency emissions generated by active components within electrical/electronic equipment is within the allowable limits for such emissions and whether the subject equipments level of susceptibility, to outside radio frequency interference, is acceptable - based on limits outlined in various International, European, Australian and American EMC generic and product specific standards. Projects etc Pty., Ltd., provides a full range of services for EMC including the areas covered by IEC 61326-3-1 (FS Immunity - Gen Ind) / IEC 61326-3-2 (FS Immunity - Specified Environ) / IEC 62061 (Annex E - FS Increased Immunity) / SEMI Guideline E33 (Facitity EMC) / EU CE-Marking & Aust C-Tick (EMC Generic and Product Stds). EMC Testing for Immunity is very closely linked with Functional Safety assessments - the SAFE BEHAVIOUR of the equipment when subjected to external interference is of paramount importance and along with rigourous climatic and vibration testing (IEC 60068 series) forms a major part of any Functional safety assessment.
Through our "trading as" name of "Safety Related Control Systems" Projects etc Pty., Ltd., is a NATA Accredited "Type A" (Independent) Inspection Body for EMC , a Designated EU Notified Body for the EU EMC Directive (2004/108/EC) under the EU/Aust MRA (Official Notified Body Number is 2241 - click here to see EU Commission Web Site). and a Designated Competent Body for the Aust EMC Framework (C-TICK) Regulations. See our scope of accreditation on the NATA Web Site (www.nata.com.au) under accreditation number 17171
GLOBAL ACCEPTANCE of Our Inspection Reports/Summary Certs
Having NATA Accreditation provides a wide acceptance (GLOBALLY) of our NATA endorsed Inspection Reports due to the various MLA's (Multi Lateral Agreements) and MRA's (Mutual Recognition Agreements) that NATA have in place Globally.
Two very important global agreements that NATA have in place are the European Co-operation for Accreditation MLA and the APLAC MRA - see below:-
NATA Accredited Inspection Body Report Acceptance under the EU Co-operation for Accreditation MLA......covers many countries within the EU and beyond. ALL those within the "circle" below PLUS the additional listed countries.....such as these listed below.....
Cai(Czech), Eak (Estonia), Esyd (Greece), Latak (Latvia),
La (Lithuania), Ianz (NZ), Ipac (Portugal) and Bmwfj (Austria).....
In the case of the APLAC (APEC) MRA..........
NATA Accredited Inspection Body Report Acceptance under the APLAC (APEC) MRA......covers many countries within the Asia Pacific Region. ALL those within the "circle" below are signatories to the MRA and others are likely to be added in time......
These two global agreements ....PLUS other MRA's / MLA's and agreements........ensures wide acceptance of our NATA endorsed Inspection Body Reports .....globally
On the 24th Oct, 2012 the ILAC MRA for Inspection Bodies was signed by 39 economies.........see USEFUL LINKS for futher information
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